A Bachelor’s degree is mandatory. Graduates in any discipline are eligible to apply for admission to the following:
- ACJ-Bloomberg Business and Financial Journalism programme and
- ACJ Integrated Multimedia Journalism programme.
Candidates who are yet to write their undergraduate degree examination (because of the delay due to the lockdown) as well as those awaiting the results of their undergraduate examination are also eligible to apply.
Enrolled students should provide their mark sheet or degree certificate to the Registrar ideally within the first week of commencement of classes. However, if the undergraduate exam results are likely to be delayed, more time may be given for submission of the certificates. All students awaiting their examination results should provide their degree certificate latest by the end of March 2023.
Application Procedure
The application form may either be submitted ONLINE or DOWNLOADED and completed. Application whether online or hard copy will need to be sent along with an application fee of Rs 2360/- (inclusive of GST @ 18%). Candidates applying for both programmes need to pay only one application fee. The fee can be remitted as an online transfer or sent as a Demand Draft in favour of “Media Development Foundation”, payable at Chennai. Please ensure that the full name, email id and mobile number of the applicant accompanies the payment.
In the case of online transfer the applicant will be directed to the Online Payment gateway once the form is completely filled. The applicant is requested to keep credit card/ debit card/ net banking details ready for making the payment. The applicant using the payment gateway service is required to pay the convenience fee as prescribed by the service.
SC/ST applicants are exempt from the application fee on production of their community certificates.
Last date for receiving applications is April 25, 2022.
Application Forms will be processed only if they are complete in all respects and on receipt of the application fee.
Entrance Examination & Interview
After a careful assessment of applications, shortlisted candidates will be required to take an online entrance examination. Candidates can take the examination individually in their homes or at any place where they have access to a computer with internet facility.
The examination will be held online in real time on Sunday, May 15, 2022, between 10 am and 12 noon.
The candidates will receive an email between May 11 and May 13, 2022 detailing the process of connecting online for the examination on May 15, 2022.
The online examination will be followed by an online interview between Thursday, May 19 and Saturday, May 21, 2022. Candidates will be individually informed in advance about the date and time of the online interview.
Candidates who seek counselling on the two postgraduate diploma programmes, may please call 91-44-22542842-44/47/40 or email admissionacj@gmail.com. They will be referred to the appropriate member/s of the faculty who can assist them.
Candidates selected for admission will receive an email by May 23, 2022.
In the eventuality of lockdown conditions persisting, please be assured that ACJ has the inbuilt technology, digital firepower and professional capability and skillsets to deliver its postgraduate programme online until conditions are congenial to transit to offline classes. ACJ’s unique and exclusive online teaching and learning methods leveraging customized digital technology over the last two years set it apart in a class of its own among J-schools internationally.