12pm, Sunday, 22nd December 2019
TISSNET 2020 Hall Tickets are out ! With less than two weeks left to the national entrance test, the most important thing that is left now is to plan well to get your prized ticket to TISS. Catalyst – India’s 1st training institute focused on building capacities in students and working professionals to step up to careers that would pave the way for an economically more developed, ecologically more sustainable, equitable and just society with over 400 students securing admissions to coveted social science institutions in India and abroad, welcomes you to participate in an interactive seminar under the guidance of Sauraveswar – founder of Catalyst and also a visiting faculty to TISS Hyderabad. Sauraveswar will help you dissect and deep dive into the TISSNET General Awareness, Mathematics, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, English Proficiency & TISSMAT curricula with his experience and proven methods to help you optimise your preparation effectively. See you 🙂