Communication is the key to everything; believing this age old saying and my passion to work in the development sector lead me to opt for Communications & Development Studies (focusing on CSR) as my specializations in my higher studies. Since my M.S.W & PGD CSR days in Pune, I have been associated with multiple organizations (Corporate Houses, NGOs, Social Enterprises & PR platforms) and have had got the opportunity to work in a diverse work culture through CSR programs, Monitoring & Evaluation, Corporate Communications, PR, Content Management, Brand Enhancement, Employee Welfare & Engagement and Multiple events. My academic and work opportunities made me travel to many parts of India and work with people with diverse culture and issues. This eventually grew me more, both personally and professionally and made more aware of the challenges faced by people and work towards the solutions and strategies to mitigate those issues. During my stay in Maharashtra, I have had got opportunities to work with urban & rural communities, especially with women, youth; also my association with Shashwat agency, Tata Power, Tata Motors as a trainee helped me become confident to continue my career efficiently in the development space.
My passion about the Indian handicraft & Handloom industry led me to work with rural artisans through training & entrepreneurship development have helped me grow an entrepreneurial mindset. Presently I have been professionally associated with Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India (CREDAI National) as the CSR Manager. We work with one of the most vulnerable communities, i.e. construction workforce through providing skill training and other labour welfare activities. I am working for CSR & NSDC projects where I precisely look after monitoring mechanism, impact evaluation, labour welfare and communications parts.
Any professional association aims for a mutual benefit between the organization and the people behind its success; I believe all my collaborations so far have been great value addition for me, both professionally & personally, while contributing at work through my skills, knowledge and expertise.

Nandita Talukdar is from the Catalyst Class of 2015. Nandita pursued her Masters Degree in Social Work (Human Resource Management) from Bharathi Vidyapeeth Deemed University. She is a CSR, Sustainability & Corporate Communications professional with experience in sustainable Project Designing, Project Management, Corporate Partnerships, Due Diligence of NGOs, Employee Engagement & Volunteering activities, developing Marketing & Branding Strategy, Public Relations, Corp. Communications and Events. I have worked in the areas of Communications, Labor Welfare, project implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation aspects related to Sustainable Livelihood Generation, Vocational Skill Development, Entrepreneurship Development, WaSH, Road Safety, Prevention of Human Trafficking, Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Tourism etc.