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Tele Mental Health Assistance and Networking Across States (Tele-MANAS) initiative launched on occasion of World Mental Health Day

24X7 tele-mental Health Services available on Toll Free Number- 14416

Network of 23 tele-mental Health Centres of Excellence created; NIMHANS, Bengaluru and IIITB to be nodal mentoring Institutes

Reiterating Government’s vision for providing access for all to mental healthcare services, at least One Tele-MANAS Cell to be established in each State/UT

Catalyst Alumnus Souma Sekhar Gangopadhyay inducted as a consultant in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India

Souma Sekhar Gangopadhyay, a public policy and government advisory professional working on areas related to digital era governance, government outcomes, public service delivery, institutional reforms,… Read More »Catalyst Alumnus Souma Sekhar Gangopadhyay inducted as a consultant in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India